(Millfoods Company S. de R.L. de C.V., please confirm the company name), (hereinafter “(please include)” or “us”), with address located at (please include), respects the privacy right and to the protection of personal data, consequently, in terms of the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals and the rest of applicable normativity (the “Law”), puts at your disposal the Privacy Notice for you to know the treatment given or to be given to the personal data of its clients, potential clients, visitors and/or users (“You”) of our website (please include) with the purpose of providing the best possible service.

¿What personal data do we collect?

The personal data that we will treat belong to the next categories:

Identification and contact data: full name, e-mail, cell phone and/or landline.

Data related to your preferences and/or shopping: this information is the result of short questionnaires, surveys; as well as the history or information about your shopping.

If you use our websites, we may gather information about the browser you use, and your navigation behavior, as well as the information that you send or publish in a public space of our social media, for example, for a review of one of a product.

We will not collect or treat sensible personal data.

We will not intentionally collect or treat personal data of minors or incapable individuals without the consent of their parents, tutors, or legal representatives. If You are a father, tutor, or legal representative of a minor or incapable individual and know that it sent us personal data without your consent, You may request the cancelation in the next email address (...).  

¿What do we use the personal data collected for?

We may use your personal data for the next necessary purposes:

We also may treat your personal data for the following voluntary purposes, which you may oppose to at any time:

In case You do not wish that your personal data is treated for voluntary purposes, you may oppose at any time through the means specified below on the “Arco Rights and other rights” section.

Use of tracking technology

When You browse our website we collect certain information, within may contain personal data, through “cookies” and “server logs” or “web beacons”. A cookie is a file that is stored in a certain area dedicated to the hard drive of your device. The collection of this information happens by the simple use and interaction with our website and the collected information may consist of directions of Internet Protocol, your operative system, type of browser, information about your location (provided by mobile devices) and the route You take during the time you spend in our website.

This data is collected solely for the following purposes: to generate statistics related with visits to our website, to the time spent in the same, and the reference sites that could have brought You to ours. This information is also used to maintain and update the users’ profiles and to customize or personalize the information that is provided by this means.

It is possible to disable this tracking technologies in all type of search engines; however, as a way of example hereafter are the steps to follow to disable them on Google Chrome: Go to the “Tools” menu, click on “delete browser data”, select “delete cookies and other data from other sites and complements”, click on “accept”. By disabling or blocking these mechanisms, our websites may not work properly. To know more on this subject, consult

ARCO Rights and other rights

You, as the owner of your personal data, may exercise your rights of Access, Rectification, Cancelation and Opposition (the rights known as “ARCO”), request use and divulgation limitations on your personal data, or revoke the consent you have given us to treat your personal data.

To exercise any of the rights mentioned before, you may send a request to our Personal Data Department, to the email (please include): our contact information is provided below.

Your request should include, at least, the next information: a) name, address, or other means to communicate our answer; b) a document that evidences your identity or your personality as the representative of the owner of the personal data, c) clear description of your personal data with respect to which the right is sought to be exercised and what right You wish to exercise; e) in case of requesting a rectification right, You should indicate the correspondent modifications to your personal data.

We will respond to your request within the next 20 business days following the delivery of your request. If applicable, we will make your request effective within the next 15 business days.

It shall be understood that we gave you access to your personal data when we put it at your disposal, regardless of the medium or format, as long as it is understandable. Prior to granting you access to your data, you shall provide proof of your identity, for your own safety.

With whom do we share your personal data?

Your personal data may be transferred to the following people, companies, organizations and authorities, for the next purposes.

Potential entities or resultants of a transformation, merger, spin-off or total or partial sale of the partnership interests and actives of Millfoods (…).
To evaluate the operation and in case of continuing the treatment of your personal data on the terms of this Privacy Note.
Companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company or any other part of Millfoods’ group (…).
To comply with any of the purposes, including the non-necessary, provided in the relevant section.
Not necessary.
Competent authorities
To fulfill the requirements of the competent authorities; to fulfill the contractual or legal obligations derived from the legal relationship; to the acknowledge, exercise or defend a right in a judicial process, as well as the specific cases allowed by law.
Not necessary

When You provide us your personal data, as well as agreeing with this privacy notice, you consent to the data transfer for which your consent is required. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may exercise your rights at any moment, related to the aforementioned in the “Arco Rights and other rights” section. 

If applicable, Millfoods (…) will ensure, through the execution of agreements and/or the adoption of other binding documents, that such third parties, even service providers, maintain administrative, technical and physical safety measures, suitable for protecting your personal data, as well as such third parties use your personal data solely for the purposes that were collected, in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

Changes to the Privacy Notice

We may conduct modifications to this Privacy Notice, for the improvement of our practices, changes in the applicable legislation, or any other circumstances. The substantial changes to this Privacy Notice will be communicated through our website.

Cookie Policies

By clicking “Accept All”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. View our Privacy Policy for more information.